Kern County, CA
Parks MenuWeddings
The Kern County Parks Division provides you with a choice of sites for your wedding whether indoors or outdoors, large or small, with the added benefit that they may be more affordable than some alternatives.
For example, you can rent our Veterans and Recreation Buildings for your wedding and/or reception for less than a hotel ballroom, and with decorations, can be quite nice. These buildings have full-service kitchens so you can either prepare food for the reception or have it catered with ease.
Our Seniors Buildings also are available on Saturday and Sunday for your use. And, parking is free at all the buildings saving you and your guests an added expense.
If you prefer a natural setting, several of our group camp and picnic sites make lovely locations for your wedding. We invite you to take a site visit so you can see just how perfect it would be for an outdoor wedding. Other options include the Kern River County Park, Buena Vista Aquatic Recreational Area, Stramler Park, Hart Memorial Park, and Leroy Jackson Park.